The Asutifi North District Assembly as part of its responsibilities to develop and build the capacity of staff to understand the Local Government Service protocols, a one-day workshop was organized on Performance Management System and Appraisal for staff.
A total of ninety (90) staff were present from all Departments, Units and Sections, where females were twenty-one (21) and sixty-nine (69) males.
A quick observation revealed that staff as well as some departmental heads faced challenges in filling the Performance Appraisal Form annually. Initially filling of appraisal forms were only done when workers were going for promotion which they did not find important. Recently, each and every staff performance is assessed based on his/her performance appraisal, so it is important that staff understand the skills and knowledge in producing quality performance appraisal form at the end of every year and to make sure their set targets were achieved to fulfil individual and organizational objectives. Based on this the HR department in collaboration with the district Assembly organized a one-day workshop to train staff to fathom the Performance Management System which is one of the Local Government Service Protocols. The performance Management System is also an integral part of the human resource management system that ensures public service organizations deliver on their mandate.